Do you want to be a good dancer? Well, you've come to the right place.

STEEZY has put together a 16 step guide to becoming a great dancer. Create a Choreography

Find What Makes You Special

Stay tuned to grow

Succeed on stage

Become a leader

Collaborate with others

Share your work

Take care of your body

How to be a good dancer Read on to find out. today.


Are you ready to dance right now? Like RIGHT NOW? Go to STEEZY Studio, the best place for online dance lessons.

There is a 10-day Intro to Dance program. This program is designed to take you step by step so that you can immerse yourself in any social setting and lay the groundwork for the other types of dance you desire. do.

Click here to get your first 4 days FREE!

How to dance well


Get inspired

Whether it's your first week of dancing or your tenth year, the key to being a good dancer is your desire to be a good dancer. Remind yourself why you think dancing is fun or cool!

This "reason" will keep you going when you feel defeated or lazy.

Get inspired by watching dance videos, chatting with dance buddies, and attending dance shows.


Warming Up and Stretching

Make sure your body is ready before dancing! It's not fun to dance when your body is cold and tired.

It's much less fun to sit still with your muscles tensed. And getting seriously injured is no fun at all.

Warming up and stretching before dancing will allow you to move with greater range and control and prevent injury.

Follow this chart for quick and easy daily stretches: These stretches will help you dance better and avoid injury! It's just part of the road to becoming a good dancer. Learning music will give you a much better understanding of how to dance to music.

Dance is ultimately your body and the physical embodiment of the sound of music.

Those dancers you see that somehow become music?

They do this by first mentally understanding the sound. Read this article to learn dance musicianship: What is dance musicianship?

And watch this video to learn how to count like a dancer.

4. Learn the basics and groove.

What all dance styles have in common is the groove.

You should always groove! Do you shake your head while listening to music in your car? Do you go to the club and rock left and right to the beat?

It's all groove!

Of course, there are so many different grooves out there. Some have official names and tricks to learn.

Bianca Vallard teaches a lot of simple hip-hop inspired rhythms on STEEZY Studio's "Intro to Dance" program.

Practicing the groove and getting used to the way your body moves will help you dance your best in class, at a show, anywhere.

Grow and relax with Carlo Darang:

5. Sign up for dance lessons

Studio Classes are a great way to learn choreography, practice a performance, and meet new dancer friends!

Not sure how to find it?

Use this guide to learn how to register for dance classes.

If you're not ready to head to the dance studio IRL yet, take online dance lessons right from your home.

In this video, professional dancer Alexander Chang shows you how.

Motor skills lock these movements into muscle memory, allowing them to be performed without thinking.

Popping exercises, for example, train muscle group control, strength and awareness.

The Learning House stairs make your footwork more comfortable.

Ballet can train almost any part of the body.

Whatever your style, focus on the basic skills first with this simple teaching method:


Learn to move with feeling

Executing movement the way you want has a lot of different parts.

There are the technical parts (which you'll master through learning the basics of a dance style and taking lots of classes) and the artistic parts (which you'll learn by connecting to the music and finding ways to convey the feeling of a sound).

While it's important to start your dance training by learning the more technical building blocks that you'll need to move your body in a way that looks cool, confident, and relaxed, the next phase of your training should be focused on becoming THAT dancer –

The person who walks onto the dance floor or stage and makes EVERYONE think: wow, they don't dance to the music. They become the music.

To do this, you'll need to learn all about texture, which is how dancers describe how sounds feel.

For example, hitting cymbals can sound shrill and abrupt.

or low-pitched sounds may sound intense and deep, like a heartbeat.

So when you hear the cymbals, you can dance sharp and fast.

When you hear the bass, you can use heavy, grounding movements.

Learn more about textures in this video!

8. Learn to Freestyle Dance

Freestyle is a great way to practice the basics, get in touch with music and explore what your body wants you to do. Freestyle Dancer

New creative movements, freestyle, attention to music like never before.

Have you never cooked before? We are here for you: How to dance in 6 easy steps

‍Watch this video if you are stuck:

10. Find what makes you unique

The most attractive dancers find their voice and learn People use it.

Think about your musical taste, develop a natural rhythm, and put your body in odd poses that rise.

Your unique style will not only make you the best dancer, but will make you the best dancer you can be.

11. Align with key

. Don't classify yourself as a "type" of dancer. Allow yourself to explore all kinds of dances, allow yourself to fail, and keep trying to grow.

Read on for tips on how to focus on growth! 5 ways your mindset is holding you back as a dancer (and how to change it!


‍If you continue to grow even in small steps, you will soon reach unimaginable levels.

So every day it keeps growing, it keeps changing, it keeps evolving.

Are you afraid of being judged by others? Watch this video:

12. Rock the stage

Dancing is a performance art, so being a great dancer means knowing how to rock the stage.

Show off your best performance the next time you attend a show or competition or shoot a video.

Try these tips: 7 easy ways to kill everyone on stage

‍Make sure everyone is looking at you.

Read: How to Dance Bigger, Stronger, Fuller

13. Become a Leader

If you want to achieve more, consider becoming a dance team captain or director.

Being a leader not only allows you to learn management and communication skills, but also gives you the opportunity to appreciate your team and community for providing so many opportunities.

It all starts with the question "why".

Help Pioneers Write Your Team's Mission Statement: Dance Leadership Tool by Arnel Calvario and Anna Sarao

14. Collaborate with others.

Share the love by collaborating with other dancers. This could mean creating routines together, hosting master classes, and more!

‍Co-op choreography tips!

How to Collaborate with Someone to Make Art

15. Share Your Art

It's not just about videos. But if you've worked hard or enjoyed teaching in your classroom, please share! Your work can inspire others and push you to become better.


Take care of yourself!

Our body is the very instrument we use to dance, yet many people neglect it.

A healthy, nourished and hydrated body will perform much better in any dance environment than a weak, stiff and dehydrated body.

Become a great dancer by keeping your body fit and ready to dance.

To get in great shape, do the following. How to Take Care of Your Body as a Dancer

‍Being a great dancer is a journey that looks different for everyone.

Get the information you need to make your growth more focused and efficient!

I hope this has helped you understand how to be a good dancer.


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