Meditation Guru Shiva - What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?

Shiva Meditation - What is it and what are its benefits?

Easily control your thoughts, relax and achieve a state of calm. One of the major benefits of Shiva meditation is that it helps you recreate the absolute stillness of Lord Shiva. As they say, you cannot separate meditation from Shiva and vice versa. He is regarded as the Lord of Meditation. In fact, all of his portraits depict him in a state of deep meditation. This meditation technique will help you open your third eye and make the most of your mind. This will help you control your mind and get rid of the thoughts that make you anxious. It is also said to help develop as a person and lead a meaningful daily life. Moreover, our great practitioners have called this meditation a life-changing process. In this article, we will look at what this meditation technique is, what steps it takes and what its benefits are. Keep scrolling.

What is Shiva?

Yoga Guru Lord Shiva Shiva - Adiyogi - The first yoga guru. According to the yogic tradition, 15,000 years ago he attained enlightenment and danced ecstatically in the Himalayas, creating 84 lakh asanas with his movements. But if you ask someone what Shiva is, there is no clear answer. And this is the beauty of Shiva. Shiva is a universal consciousness. And the realization that you are one with him will help you understand the structure of the world. Meditating on such intense cosmic energies or thoughts only elevates your being. Shiva is worshiped in many forms and has many names. He is a monk, a space dancer, a family man, an ascetic, etc. Shiva is also widely represented in his unattached "lingam" form, but at the highest level he is the cosmic formless and infinite primordial soul. He is called by various names such as Shankar, Shambho, Maheshwar, Mahadev, Bhairav ​​and many more. The symbolic representation of Shiva is a muscular man who adorns his body with snakes, smears ash over it, and wears a tiger skin. He carries a spear called "Trishul" and a drum called "Damaru". His neck is blue and he has long, thick, matted hair. The Ganges flows from his head, and the moon shines from his crown. He has a third eye, which is in fact the eye of his mind and allows him to perceive and understand himself and the world on a subconscious level. Shiva meditation helps you open your inner eyes.

Shiva Meditation Technique

  • Preparation
  • Sitting Posture
  • Breathing
  • Visualization
  • Recitation
  • Bliss

1. Preparation

The first is stretching. Yes, it helps you sit comfortably without feeling any tension or stiffness in your body. Stretch your back, hips, glutes, shoulders, hips and feet. Try asanas like Paschimottanasana, Utthita Padahastasana, Baddha Konasana, Vajrasana and more.

Then find a place where you can hear nature sounds like birds chirping and wind whistling without being noisy. Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather to avoid sweating or catching a cold.

Turn off all devices and complete all urgent tasks so that there are no distractions when you sit down to meditate and your meditation is not rushed to an end. You can listen to classical music, zen music, ambient music, binaural tones or isochronous tones while practicing shiva meditation away from the noise of everyday life.

2. Seated Position

Meditation of Shiva in Seated Position

Sit comfortably in a chair or lean against a wall. Keep your back straight, but not too straight. Place your hands in a comfortable position, place the mudra on your lap, or hold your hands together on the inside of your thighs. Sit down and take sukhasana, padmasana, ardha padmasana or vajrasana.

Make sure you are in a comfortable position or adjust your sitting position so that it does not interfere with your meditation.

3. Breathing

Breathe consciously and slowly while feeling the movement. Inhale for a count of 6, hold your breath for a count of 6, and exhale for a count of 6. Focus on that and start over whenever your concentration fluctuates. Feel the life force filling your body as you inhale, be aware of the pause between inhalation and exhalation, and as you exhale forget yourself and your body and feel one with everything around you.

4. Visualization

The breathing described above helps to make the body calm and still. Follow him, feeling the area between your eyebrows. And while doing so, visualize Shiva in whatever form he appears in your mind.

It could be Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer, Adiyoga, the meditating monk, or Ardanarishvara, the incarnation of the male and female aspects. Feel his presence and aura. Immerse yourself completely in it.

5. Sing

Sing his name in an attempt to merge with Shiva. "Om Namah Shivaya" means to pay homage to Shiva. Om is the original sound. This is the first sound of creation. Saying Om reflects creation, life and energy. Namah Shivaya are dedicated to Shiva.

Continue chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" at a pace that suits you. Mantras will help you feel Shiva within you. Continue until you feel that there is no "I" and you are Shiva and Shiva is merging with you, Shiva.

6. Bliss

Remain in this blissful moment of experiencing divinity. This helps clear the mind of clutter and bring it into one focus.

Rub your palms together and place them over your closed eyes. As a result of overcoming your own weight, you will feel as light as a feather. Allow this feeling to fully permeate you, then slowly open your eyes and your meditation is complete. This process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

Benefits of Meditating on Shiva

  • Meditating on Shiva induces a state of deep calm and relaxation.
  • This meditation removes unnecessary thoughts.
  • Increases physical strength and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Shiva meditation relaxes tense muscles and strengthens the immune system.
  • This will help you lose weight and get rid of addiction.
  • Slows aging and gives confidence.
  • Shiva meditation will help you get rid of all your fears and phobias.
  • This will help you control your thoughts.
  • Improves memory and helps improve relationships.
  • Shiva meditation helps you to be less responsive to unnecessary problems.
  • It helps me to deal with problems better without feeling anxious.
  • This will help you find your purpose in life.
  • Meditation on Shiva helps you forgive and become one with God.

How often do you practice Shiva meditation?

It is not easy to sit with full attention in Shiva meditation for a sufficient amount of time. Start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the duration over time and practice.

What is a strong mantra to Shiva?

Besides the Shiva Mulla Mantra, the Shiva Gayatri Mantra is considered the most powerful for pleasing Lord Shiva.

What happens when you meditate for the first time?

When you start meditating, you feel relaxed and peaceful. It can be difficult to focus at first, but as you develop the habit of meditating daily, you will notice a difference.

Can you meditate on music?

Yes, meditation on music can help increase its positive effects and bring more peace and tranquility. It can also help increase concentration during meditation.

Should I meditate before going to bed?

You can meditate whenever you want. Meditating before bed can help calm the mind and improve sleep.

Do you meditate on an empty stomach?

There are benefits to meditation on an empty stomach. It keeps your mind sharp and allows the air in your stomach to move more easily when you breathe deeply. This can be a bit difficult when your stomach is full.

Shiva Meditation helps you to control your mind and thoughts and opens your inner gaze to understand your inner self. From helping to regulate blood pressure and inducing a state of deep relaxation to dispelling fear and improving memory, the benefits of Shiva meditation are a long list to go through. Stretch your body properly to release muscle tension before starting this meditation. Practice daily chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" to transform your mental and emotional well-being.


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