Exercises For Both Males And Female To Loose Weight

Here we would like to suggest 7 of the most popular and best workout exercises that you can do at home that will make you stronger, fitter and healthier. It is considered one of the best exercises for weight loss. A brisk walk is the best exercise for burning calories. An exercise program that minimizes strain on joints and can be incorporated into daily life.

A number of studies show that a person weighing 70 kg burns about 167 calories for every 30 minutes walking at a speed of 4 miles per hour. He also found that walking 50-70 minutes three times a week reduced his body fat by an average of 1.5% and his waist size by 2.8 cm.

1. Jogging

Jogging and running are considered the kings of weight loss exercises. These exercises are integrated full-body exercises. It strengthens your legs and is very effective against belly fat. The main difference between running and jogging is pace. Jogging 6-9km/h, running about 10km/h Walking and jogging help burn about 372 calories per 30 minutes and 298 calories per 30 minutes respectively. Combining these three exercises will definitely improve your muscle strength and overall weight and keep you fit.

Exercise Patterns

  • Over an hour, incorporate these exercises into your routine.
  • Start a 15-minute walking exercise.
  • Increase your pace and jog for the next 15 minutes.
  • Run at a gradually increasing pace for another 15 minutes.
  • Slow down and jog again for 10 minutes.
  • Relax your body and walk slowly for 5 minutes.

2. Jumping Rope or Skipping Rope

Offering a full body workout, a jump rope can help you build strength, increase your metabolism and burn more calories in less time.

Regular hopping exercises are calming and help relieve depression and anxiety. Exercise also increases your heart rate and pumps blood through your body faster, keeping your heart in a healthier state. This exercise is not only good for your heart, but also for your lungs by keeping them functioning and healthy. Everyone has a unique body, so different processes will yield different results. Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you take in. This form of exercise burns about 1300 calories per hour.

Exercise Patterns

  • Stand on a flat surface with your back straight.
  • Bring your feet together and point them straight.
  • Keep your hands straight and point down near your thighs.
  • Jump off the ground, pass the rope under your feet and back up.
  • Repeat these steps to increase your jump speed steadily.

3. Plank

Plank pose or plank exercise is he one of the most effective full-body workouts. The biggest advantage of plank training is that it targets most of the body's major muscle groups. Strengthens core, shoulders, arms, chest, back, and hip muscles. In addition to these benefits, plank exercises help burn excess fat and calories from your body quickly. The plank exercise is a good example. The longer you practice, the better the results.

For quicker and better results, you need to focus on holding the plank position for longer periods of time.

There are several variations of the plank exercise that target different muscles and body parts. Each variation is very useful for continuous improvement in core strength, body balance, endurance, and posture.

Plank Exercise Variations Standard Plank: Also known as Extended Arm Plank. This position is perfect for beginners looking to strengthen their core. This workout is great for improving metabolic activity and digestion. The variant forearm plank is the same version as the extended arm plank. The target areas for this workout are your core, arms, shoulders, and back.

Mountain Climber: It is considered one of the most intense variations of plank training. A full-body workout that burns excess calories and fat from your body. Target areas for this workout are the biceps, hamstrings, core, triceps, and chest.

Exercise Patterns

  • Get into a push-up or standard plank position.
  • Bend your right knee and pull it towards your chest.
  • Return the right knee to its original position.
  • Bend your left knee and bring it closer to your chest
  • Return your left knee to its original position.
  • Repeat the above steps 20-25 times.

Reverse Plank

This is a variation of the standard plank, but done reverse. This workout is a great way to stretch your body. A workout that removes unwanted fat and calories from your body. It helps strengthen your core, shoulders, back, chest, and glutes.

Practice Patterns

  • Sit and stretch your legs out in front of you.
  • Place your hands behind your hips to support your torso.
  • Reach out and raise your hips so that they are in line with your body.
  • In this position, he holds for 40-60 seconds.
  • Repeat these steps and methods 20-30 times.

4. Push-ups and Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the most popular exercises and a workout that anyone can do anywhere, anytime. Push-up exercises are very helpful for weight loss because they keep your body off the ground to exercise energy and burn calories.

Push-up exercises are great because they burn calories quickly and allow you to focus on the larger muscles of your upper body. The pushup workout also focuses on the chest, shoulders, back, biceps, and triceps Also, the push-up exercise strengthens the core muscles and keeps the body physically stable and healthy.

Push-ups help build lean muscles in the chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. When you practice push-ups for weeks, months, or years, you build a lot of muscle mass, and your body has to burn those calories to maintain that muscle. Be careful with flat surfaces.

Process to follow:

  • Place your hands in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Place your feet together or slightly apart in a comfortable position. At first, keep your feet spread apart until you find a good balance.
  • Bend your shoulders as low as possible toward the floor, push your back up and straighten your arms.
  • These steps he repeats 15 times and he repeats 3 sets.


The pull-up focuses on multiple muscle groups that burn more calories as they work together like the biceps, triceps, back, and core. This workout will help you get in shape, increase your fat-burning capacity and boost your metabolism. It takes about 15 muscles to complete a pull-up, the main ones being the lats and biceps.

According to this study, pull-ups burn him about 10 calories per minute. Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories, so we recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

Exercise Pattern

  • Stand straight with your arms fully extended and grab the pull-up bar
  • Bend your knees and pull yourself up until your chin is off the bar.
  • Slowly return to its original position.
  • These steps he repeats 15 times for 4 sets.

5. Squats

Squat exercises are known as strength exercises. The main purpose of this exercise is to improve your lower body. Squats burn calories and prevent fat from accumulating in your lower body. This exercise helps improve mobility and balance. A beginner should aim to do at least one type of squat, he does 12-15 repetitions and he does 3 sets to expect better results.

Practice Pattern:

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
  • Bend your knees and ankles and push your hips back.
  • Squat down, keeping your heels and toes on the floor.
  • Bend your knees to her 90 degrees and stand parallel to the floor.
  • Press your heels to straighten your legs and return to standing.6. Lunge

A popular strength workout that strengthens and tones the lower body and improves overall fitness and athletic performance. Lunges focus primarily on strengthening the back, hips, and legs.

Lunges help increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat. It's important to push yourself and incorporate lunges into your high-intensity heavyweight training routine. The single leg movements in this workout stabilize muscles and develop balance, stability, and coordination.

Exercise Patterns

  • Stand straight and keep your back and abdomen upright.
  • Step your right foot forward and bend your knee.
  • Bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left thigh is perpendicular to the floor.
  • Place the front knee on the heel.
  • Come back and put your feet together.
  • Repeat the above steps with the left leg.
  • Thirty alternate lunges are very effective.

Along with exercises to do at home to lose weight. There are other factors and methods that can help you manage your weight. Click here for more information on weight management and weight loss

7. Yoga

Yoga was recorded 5000 years ago and has proven to be an effective weight loss therapy. It is believed to have been developed by Rishis and Brahmins and has his five basic principles of exercise, diet, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.

A combination of yoga and a healthy diet has been proven to help you lose weight and keep your body and mind healthy. It also improves the relationship between mindfulness and the body. Practicing yoga for diabetes can also lower blood sugar levels.

In addition to weight loss as a benefit, yoga has the following benefits. Yoga poses are primarily focused on increasing concentration and increasing muscle tone. To get the most out of yoga, you need to familiarize yourself with these poses.

Here are some of the yoga poses you should practice for weight loss.

  • Warrior Pose
  • Triangle Pose
  • Shoulder Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Arch Pose
  • Plank Pose
  • Downward Dog Pose
  • Sun Salutations


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