Yogasans to Boost Immunity System

It's time again – the weather changes frequently, gets very hot after it rains, and produces moisture (humidity) that weakens the immune system. During this season, the danger of spreading coronavirus is high. The Covid virus has been declared a pandemic and the government is encouraging people to vaccinate. Please try Yoga and other holistic ways to naturally boost your immune system, rather than rushing to get an immunity booster vaccination that may be safe, unsafe, or prevent you from getting sick.

Yoga to boost immunity system

What is the immune system?

The immune system is a network of glands, nodules, and organs that protect the body from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other harmful organisms.

The immune system requires a constant supply of energy and nutrients to maintain optimal function and performance. Toxins in the environment and food, poor diet, lack of exercise or excessive exercise, and stress can impair the functioning of the immune system.

Why Yoga Boosts Your Immune System

A powerful immune system can wipe out the virus in a few days, prevent the more extreme symptoms of the disease, and boost your immune system. When the immune system is not functioning optimally, the body is vulnerable to illness, infections, and health problems.

Yoga and breathing helps relax the nervous system and boost the immune response.

Some other ways that yoga positively impacts the immune system include:

  • Supports and stimulates the thymus gland

  • Improves circulation

  • Improves oxygen flow and aids the transfer of energy from nutrients to cells

  • Improves the flow of the sinuses and flushes out mucous from the lungs

  • Massages and rejuvenates internal organs

  • Helps the body flush out toxins

  • Open up energy pathways to allow the body to heal more efficiently. Try incorporating this pose flow into your home practice about 2-3x a week and see how your body responds.

If you are new to yoga, seek out a studio/teacher for a beginner class – you will find that some of the poses suggested here are incorporated into a basic yoga class.

1.Anulom Vilom Pranayam

  • Start by sitting in a cross-legged position. 
  • Rest your hands on your knees and close your eyes.
  •  Keep your right thumb on your right nostril and close it. Inhale deeply from your left nostril for 4 counts.
  • Now close your left nostril with your right ring finger and hold it for 2 seconds.
  • At this step, you are holding your breath with both your nostrils being closed. Take off your right thumb from your right nostril and exhale deeply through your right nostril.
  • Inhale from your right nostril for 4 counts while continuing to keep your ring finger on your left nostril and then, close both nostrils for 2 seconds and exhale deeply with your left nostril.
  • Repeat this process for 5 minutes. Concentrate on your breathing while doing it.

2. Vrikshasana or tree pose of Yoga

  • Balance yourself on one leg, with the other one folded and supported on your inner thigh.
  • Stretch out your hands above your head and point them directly upwards.
  • Clasp them together in anjali mudra. Gaze in the distance, shift the weight to your left leg while keeping the right knee bent in half lotus position and hold onto this posture for a few seconds before releasing and repeating the same with the alternate leg.

3. Bhujangasana or Cobra pose of Yoga

  • Rest your palms by the side of your chest, arms close to your body, elbows pointing outward.
  • Inhale and raise your forehead, neck and shoulders.
  • Raise your trunk using the strength of your arms. 
  • Look upward while breathing normally. Make sure that your stomach is pressed on the floor. 
  • Hold the pose for 5 seconds. Slowly lie back flat on your stomach. Turn your head to one side and rest your arms by the side of your body.

4. Shalabasana


When practicing yoga to boost immunity, this is one yoga asana that may help strengthen the

spine, lower back, hip joints, arms, legs and pelvic organs as well. It offers relief from constant

backache and is one of the widely used yoga poses for immunity. It improves blood flow to the

spinal area and applies enough pressure on the abdomens too. How to do:

  • Lie flat on the stomach and stretch your arms out ahead
  • Keep your knees straight and your feet together
  • Lift your legs and arms up together
  • Now, lift your head up and raise your chest off the floor as much as possible
  • Hold this posture for 10 second


One of the best ways to keep the mind and body strong is by practicing yoga to boost immunity and raising the immunity levels. The Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasana helps keep the brain calm while stretching the body. While being one of the best yoga asanas for immunity, it offers relief from stress, headache and anxiety as well. Also, it applies pressure on the spine, hamstrings and may improve the digestive system as well. How to do:

  • Begin with Dandasana. Keep your knees are slightly bent and stretch your legs out forward
  • Keep your spine erect and raise your hands upward
  • Now, exhale and bend forward at the hip
  • Place your upper body on your lower body
  • Lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers
  • If possible, try to touch your knees with your nose

More Tips to Boost the Immune System

  • Get Enough Sleep and or/down time:

  • Most people get sick after the immune system is weakening from the stress of overworking,eating poorly, not getting enough sleep, and losing touch with their emotional health.

  • Stay Hydrated & Eat at Regular Intervals: Drink a good amount of water every day and try to incorporate fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains into your daily diet.

  • Emergen-C: An excellent source of vitamin C

  • Use as an electrolyte boost after a workout or before going out to crowded areas.

  • Probiotics: Healthy Bacteria Needed to Improve Digestion – Eat yogurt, drink kombucha, and take health food supplements.

  • Echinacea: An herbal remedy that helps the body fight the symptoms of colds and the flu.

  • Golden Seal: Prevents infections during coughing and colds and reduces mucosal inflammation.

  • Zinc, iron, B vitamins: essential nutrients for a strong immune system.

  • Vitamin D: Helps the body fight the virus – go out in the unprotected sun for at least 15 minutes daily between 9 am and 3 am or get a high-quality dietary supplement Please take it

Join Yoga Classes

If you want to join yoga classes then go to sensationz performing arts website and book your yoga classes at reasonable charges. Yoga poses that open the chest and neck are suitable for stimulating the thymus. Upside down helps improve the flow of lymphatic and immune cells throughout the body. Twist poses and hip openers help activate secondary organs of the immune system, such as the spleen and lymph nodes. Modified versions of forwarding bends and back bend also help support and enhance the body's natural defenses.


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